Registrations are still open with courses adapted to cater for all levels, whether you wish to perfect your skills or start out in the industry.

The HEXIS Application Division manager, Oliver Roehler, will be leading the courses and sharing his extensive industry knowledge, unique tips and tricks over the next month. The HEXIS wrap courses are renowned to be the most in-depth, comprehensive and hands-on workshops. Courses are adapted to all skill levels and numbers are strictly kept to a minimum, allowing participants to benefit from plenty of one-on-one time with the trainer, as well as optimal space for applications.

Gold Coast, Mc Elrea Racing, Yatala
Beginner/Intermediate 3rd  to 5th March
Advanced 6th  to 8th March

Sydney, Mascot
Beginner/Intermediate 24th to 26th March
Advanced 27th  to 29th March

For more details or to register, contact or call 1300 881 946



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