Thanks to the innovative attributes delivered by its glazing enhancement films, Madico Graphic Films was recently called upon by BAF Graphics Ltd, to supply Lumisty view control film for a promotional campaign at the UK stores of global fashion company, Armani Exchange.

Armani Exchange chose to use Madico’s versatile Lumisty window film because of its unique ability to control what can and cannot be seen by changing from translucent to transparent depending on the viewing angle. In this case, the requirement was to create the maximum attention among passing shoppers by using Lumisty as a window screen, thereby drawing attention to a retail display in which live models were wearing the latest Armani Exchange underwear collection.

The recent one day promotion took place at the company’s UK high-street retail outlets in Birmingham, Liverpool, London and Manchester, and saw BAF Graphics Ltd supply and install the Lumisty view control film on behalf of Armani Exchange’s franchisee partner, Club 21.

“Madico’s Lumisty view control film was used because of its ability to create invisible viewing angles, which works perfectly for grabbing peoples attention and training their focus towards a product or promotional display”, says Antony Baglioni, Business Development Manager at BAF Graphics Ltd. “In this application, Lumisty delivered exactly what was required by remaining as a translucent strip of film and disguising the underwear display until passing shoppers were at right angles to it. At this point it acted as a clear film and allowed the products to be seen.”

“Although the campaign only lasted a day, the objective was to create the maximum attention in a short space of time”, adds Baglioni. “The result was fantastic and the changing visual effect worked by causing people to physically stop and take a closer look at the underwear on display.”

Commenting on the success of the Armani Exchange project, Steve Bird, Madico’s UK Sales Manger, says, “This project exemplifies the unique benefits of Lumisty and proves why it has captured the imagination of leading interior designers, architects and retail branding specialists.”

“Lumisty’s amazing ability to control what can and cannot be seen not only makes it perfectly suited to promotional retail and product display applications, but as has also given rise to other distinctive and practical uses in creative, architectural and security projects where there might be a need to block unsightly views or create unique privacy effects”, concludes Bird.

Madico Graphic Films


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