Spicers are pleased to announce the release of their shiny new product, Gold Vanity Board.

If you’re going for gold in your next promotion, nothing glitters quite like Gold Vanity Board. The muted tones of Gold Vanity Board echo kindly back to your face, casting a sepia glow over the reflected image.
gold vb

We’re really pleased to be able to offer this new and durable product,’ says Harry Pagoulatos, Marketing and Business Development Manager, Spicers. ‘After all, you can’t have silver without gold.’
Just like the Silver Vanity Board™, Gold Vanity Board™ is gorgeously reflective but without all the cumbersome attributes of fragile glass. Durable, lightweight, direct printable and less expensive than real mirrors, its stunning chardonnay-like shade is as unique as it is pleasing to the eye. The board can also be thermoformed and will bend just like a normal acrylic sheet, meaning you can easily give the illusion of bent mirrors.
Perfect for point of sale, shop fit outs, restaurants, attractive mirrored panels, change room mirrors, or even invitations, Gold Vanity Board™ is sure to shine whatever its use.
‘The applications of a gold reflective board is only limited to your imagination,’ adds Harry. ‘Gold Vanity Board™ will suit any customer looking for a highly noticeable, gold-class product.’
So reflect your ideas into reality with Gold Vanity Board™. But be quick – the Gold Rush has already begun...


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