Neschen AG has received the third consecutive annual "Viscom Best of 2011 Award" in recognition of the company's innovative performance in the category Large Format Printing/LFP.

This year the award was for the company's solvoprint easy dot 100 PE.  "The added value of this new digital print film was quite clear to the jury," said Frank Seemann, Manager Marketing & Communications at Neschen AG in Bückeburg. "On the one hand, it can be applied rapidly and easily without a squeegee, even by inexperienced hands and on the other hand, it can be removed without leaving any residues." The Neschen product is therefore ideal for short-term use at events. But this is also the ideal film to use when many sites have to be covered at the same time or when frequently changing advertising messages have to be transported.

The film can be used several times due to the dotted adhesive coating and is therefore environmentally friendly. The air channels also allow the film to be applied without bubbles or creasing and the adhesive process can be corrected on nearly all surfaces. Solvoprint easy dot 100 PE can be printed with solvent-based, eco-solvent-based und UV-curable inks.

Neschen AG's promotional activities at the Viscom trade fair were of a very special nature. The staff redesigned the stand of the Bückeberg coating specialists on their own initiative every day in accordance with the motto: city glamour versus rural delights. During the redesign process, the original motive for rural delights with cows in a meadow gave way to a city skyline moving from right to left, and this took place several times a day. And solvoprint easy dot 100 PE was in constant use, of course.

Neschen has made a film of their activities at the exhibition. The video can be seen on YouTube at The Bückeburg-based coating specialist has registered the exhibition stand concept for the award "Best of Events".

Neschen AG

Starleaton Digital Solutions


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