Whilst only impacting Europe at present, it is likely that the relevant Australian and New Zealand governments may take a leaf out of Europe's book here and impose new legislation, unless of course they consider that enough legislation is already in place in our region.

FESPA has commissioned industry Environmental Consultant Paul Machin to guide affected businesses through their obligations under REACH. Paul will post on his blog regularly, to update you as REACH legislation relevant to screen and digital printing is phased in and will also be on hand to answer your questions.
So what is REACH?  It is a European Union Regulation that is highly likely to affect every, chemical producer, printing product supplier and printer that sells in Europe, the objective being to protect human health and the environment. It requires every substance whether sold on its own or incorporated into a product to be pre-registered with the European Chemicals Agency in Helsinki by 1st December 2008.

FESPA have warned of a number of implications that will follow on from this regulation. Since registration will be costly this financial burden will be passed down the supply chain leading in some cases to the withdrawal of chemicals from the market place. Failure to understand the ramifications of REACH can have disastrous effects upon the future of many screen and digital printers as well as their suppliers.

There is help available. FESPA itself has been staging presentations on REACH around the world. There is free guidance provided to assist all sectors of the industry. This forum will be able to channel members to get the right information to insure their business does not fail to meet the REACH challenge and lose a valuable market.

More information on REACH can also be had by going to http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/reach/index_en.htm


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